Topics: Women in Engineering
UBC student team aims to build a net-zero student space on campus
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UBC’s award-winning Third Quadrant Design– a team of more than 60 students in engineering, architecture, business, and arts – is about to start construction of a new student space on campus that redefines sustainable design.
UBC Engineering Class of 2022: Meet four women working to engineer a more inclusive world
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On June 23, Women in Engineering Day, we look to the women of the past, present, and future who work to make contributions to the field of engineering.
Everyone belongs in STEM: Creating an environment for all youth to feel welcome through the Geering Up program
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Geering Up is a community outreach program run by UBC Engineering to provide the youth of British Columbia with the opportunity to investigate engineering, science, and technology in a fun, educational and safe environment.
Pursuing my passion in building a sustainable future
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I was born and raised in Hong Kong, studied high school and university in the UK, and had previously worked in the UK and Hong Kong.
Cycling to life cycle assessment
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Hi, Ezgi here! Since the last years of my undergraduate studies at Istanbul Technical University, I have been working in different fields of architecture to raise an overall understanding of the architectural praxis in diverse international settings…
It’s a marathon, not a sprint
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Growing up in Vancouver, you hear about UBC a lot. However, nothing really prepares you for the scale of the campus, or the community within. In my first year, the amount of opportunities was so endless it almost made me anxious – how do you even…
Maximizing friendships and opportunities
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UBC Civil Engineering student Beverley Ng will be stepping into the world of transportation engineering, following the completion of her Bachelor of Applied Science degree.
Materials engineering to mind engineering
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I clearly remember the day when my dad woke me up one morning, holding my acceptance letter, his eyes beaming with joy. My excitement knew no bounds. My first year at UBC came with its unique challenges. I struggled with my coursework and at one…