UBC Applied Science Dean's Office Listing
The directory below lists staff in the dean's office of the Faculty of Applied Science. For staff listings specific to departments, schools and research centres, please visit their respective websites.
The directory below lists staff in the dean's office of the Faculty of Applied Science. For staff listings specific to departments, schools and research centres, please visit their respective websites.
Name (Last, First) | Job title | Phone | |
Abramovich, Elianne | Industry Partnerships & Business Development Assistant | e.abramovich@ubc.ca | |
Arif, Ali | Senior Financial Analyst | ali.arif@ubc.ca | |
Arora, Meher | Industry Partnerships & Business Development Assistant | mehera@mail.ubc.ca | |
Arulnathan, Samuel | Project Manager | samuel.arulnathan@ubc.ca | |
Babey, Beverley | Director, Human Resources (staff/student HR) | beverley.babey@ubc.ca | 604.822.2252 |
Barber (On Leave), Lindsay | Development Officer | lindsay.barber@ubc.ca | 604.822.5854 |
Barron, Matthew | Senior Writer + Designer | matthew.barron@ubc.ca | 604.827.5572 |
Blaeser, Patrick | Co-op Career Advisor & Industry Partner | patrick.blaeser@ubc.ca | 604.827.4512 |
Bokka, Preethi | Geering Up Community Events, Clubs & Offsite Camps Coordinator | preethi.bokka@ubc.ca | |
Bornoosh, Neda | Executive Assistant to the Associate Deans | neda.bornoosh@ubc.ca | 604.822.8398 |
Brock, Brianna | Interview Liaison | coop.interviews@ubc.ca | 604.822.6995 |
Bromwich-Price, Sarah | Student Support Manager | sarah.bromwichprice@ubc.ca | |
Brown-Lum, Meisan | Research Development Associate | meisan.brownlum@ubc.ca | 604.822.3073 |
Buccat, Angeli | Alumni Engagement Coordinator | angeli.buccat@ubc.ca | 604.822.0805 |
Bull, Justin | Academic Director, MEL & MHLP Programs | justin.bull@sauder.ubc.ca | 604.822.8372 |
Buse, Sara | Director, Experiential Learning and Academic Services | sara.buse@ubc.ca | 604.822.3324 |
Cai, Taniya | Registration Support Specialist | Taniya.Cai@ubc.ca | |
Campbell, Leah | Registration Support Specialist | lcampb01@mail.ubc.ca | |
Cankaya, Zehra | Front Desk Administrator (Leave Replacement) | zehra.cankaya@ubc.ca | 604.822.3022 |
Caravan, Angela | Writing Specialist, Proposals and Stewardship | angela.caravan@ubc.ca | 604.827.5625 |
Chan, Tina | Academic Advisor - Vantage | tina.chan@ubc.ca | 604.827.4501 |
Chang, Max | Associate Director, Finance | max.chang@ubc.ca | 604.827.5357 |
Chen, Lily | Manager, APSC Co-op | lily.chen@ubc.ca | 604.822.3214 |
Cheung, Krystle | Co-op Career Advisor and Industry Partner (Leave Replacement) | krystle.cheung@ubc.ca | |
Cifuentes Gomez, Cindy | Senior Program Assistant, MEL & MHLP Programs | cindy.cifuentesgomez@ubc.ca | 604.827.4136 |
Clarke, Jean-Robert | Programmer Analyst | jr.clarke@ubc.ca | |
Colwell, Richard | Safety and Facilities Officer | richard.colwell@ubc.ca | 604.822.2273 |
Contractor, Zara | Associate Director, Donor and Alumni Communications | zara.contractor@ubc.ca | 604-827-1665 |
Copping, Emma | Workday Student Support Assistant | ecopping@mail.ubc.ca | 604.822.6556 |
Cornford, Adam | Assistant Manager, Geering Up Kelowna | adam.cornford@ubc.ca | |
de Guzman (On Leave), Erneida | Associate Director, Alumni Engagement | erneida.deguzman@ubc.ca | 604.822.9454 |
De Vita, Sarah | Manager, Human Resources (staff/student HR) | sarah.devita@ubc.ca | 604.827.2004 |
Del Giudice, Jordan | Project Coordinator | jordan.delgiudice@ubc.ca | 604.822.2899 |
Ding, Eva | Scheduling and Logistics Assistant | admin.asst@apsc.ubc.ca | 604.822.6413 |
Domagas (On Leave), Anna | Writing Specialist, Proposals & Stewardship | anna.domagas@ubc.ca | 604.822.0958 |
Dumbrell , Kali | Associate Academic Advisor | kali.dumbrell@ubc.ca | |
d’Entremont, Agnes | Associate Dean, EDI pro tem | agnes.dentremont@mech.ubc.ca | 604.827.1960 |
Eberle, Jennifer | Manager, APSC Co-op | jennifer.eberle@ubc.ca | 250.807.9279 |
Ebsary, Sophie | Geering Up School Programs Coordinator | sophie.ebsary@ubc.ca | |
Elmo, Davide | Associate Dean, Students and Professional Development | delmo@mining.ubc.ca | 604.827.5668 |
Ethridge, Melissa | Senior Manager, Dean’s Office Administration | Melissa.Ethridge@ubc.ca | 604.827.3241 |
Fehr (On Leave), Erin | Student Recruitment Officer | erin.fehr@ubc.ca | 604.827.0471 |
Fennell, Emma | Communications Manager (Leave Replacement) | Emma.Fennell@ubc.ca | |
Fung, Franco | Student Recruitment Officer | franco.fung@ubc.ca | 604.827.0471 |
Garner, Jennifer | Geering Up Kelowna Coordinator | jen.garner@ubc.ca | |
Gosen (on leave), Kale | Administrative Support, Geering Up & Outreach | kale.gosen@ubc.ca | |
Griffith, Briana | Associate Director of Reputation & Strategic Communications | briana.griffith@ubc.ca | 604.822.8714 |
Griffith, Aaron | Director, Finance & Resources | aaron.griffith@ubc.ca | 604.822.9446 |
Guercio, Jessi | Career Strategist | jessi.guercio@ubc.ca | 604.827.0762 |
Hibbert, Alana | Student Development Coordinator | Alana.Hibbert@ubc.ca | 604.827.2877 |
Hoang, Lisa | Program Assistant | lisa.hoang@ubc.ca | 604.822.9843 |
Hubert, Charlotte | Front Desk Administrator | charlotte.hubert@ubc.ca | 604.822.3022 |
Hucal, Daria | Co-op Career Advisor & Industry Partner | daria.hucal@ubc.ca | 604.822.4280 |
Hughes, William | Director, School of Engineering (Okanagan) | will.hughes@ubc.ca | 250.807.8670 |
Hussain, Atif | Research Development Associate | Atif.Hussain@ubc.ca | 604.827.2369 |
Jaeger, Carol | Associate Dean, Academic | carol.jaeger@ubc.ca | 604.822.2592 |
Jamal, Zarlasht | Development Officer, Applied Science | zarlasht.jamal@ubc.ca | 604-822-6775 |
Jamison, Andrew | Senior Manager Geering Up & Outreach | andrew.jamison@ubc.ca | 604.822.3659 |
Jones, John | Academic Advisor | john.jones@ubc.ca | 604.827.2002 |
Kanda, Tiffany | Academic Advisor | tiffany.kanda@ubc.ca | 604.827.4501 |
Kayama, Jessica | Student Support Specialist | jessica.kayama@ubc.ca | |
Kearns, Leanne | Associate Director, Academic Services | leanne.kearns@ubc.ca | 604.822.1695 |
Kerr, Maddy | Co-op Career Advisor & Industry Partner | maddy.kerr@ubc.ca | 604.822.1926 |
Kerslake, Lisa | Executive Administration Manager to the Dean and Faculty Affairs | lisa.kerslake@ubc.ca | 604.822.6776 |
Kessler (On Leave), Nina | Business & Enrolment Analyst | nina.kessler@ubc.ca | 604.827.1839 |
Kew, Bailey | Manager, Student Engagement | bailey.kew@ubc.ca | 604.827.4744 |
Kikuchi, Yumi | Co-op Career Advisor and Industry Partner | yumi.kikuchi@ubc.ca | 604.827.0803 |
Kwok, Cherrie | Co-op Career Advisor & Industry Partner | cherrie.kwok@ubc.ca | 604.827.3474 |
Lam, Josephine | Development Officer | jo.lam@ubc.ca | 604-822-9265 |
Lam, Carrie | Research Development Associate | Carrie.Lam@ubc.ca | 604.822.0170 |
Laverdiere, Kyra | Senior Manager, Research Partnerships | kyra.laverdiere@ubc.ca | 604.315.2166 |
Lee, Mandy | Finance Processing Specialist | mandy.lee@ubc.ca | 604.827.2264 |
Lee, Hoya | Senior Program Assistant, Academic Programs & Services | hoya.lee@ubc.ca | |
Lekich, Jolanta | Associate Director, APSC Professional Master Deg. | jolanta.lekich@ubc.ca | 604.822.9415 |
Li, Aubrey | Program Assistant | aubrey.li@ubc.ca | |
Li, Stephen | Interim Manager, Alumni Engagement | stephen.m.li@ubc.ca | 604.827.1513 |
Li Sheung Ying, Melissa | Director, Centre for Instructional Support (CIS) | melissa.lisheungying@ubc.ca | 604.822.9241 |
Lock, Wendy | Senior Manager, Co-op Administration | wendy.lock@ubc.ca | 604.822.0642 |
Loewen, Ron | Capital Projects Manager | ron.loewen@ubc.ca | 604.822.5357 |
Louie, Steven | Education Technologist | steven.louie@ubc.ca | 604.822.1432 |
Lyu, Chang | Office Assistant, Co-op | chang.lyu@ubc.ca | 604.822.3114 |
Mackenzie, Dana-Lyn | Senior Manager, EDI and Indigeneity | danalyn.mackenzie@ubc.ca | |
Mak, Selina | Financial Coordinator | selina.m@ubc.ca | 604.822.2858 |
Manrique, Daniela | Events and Logistics Assistant | Admin.Asst@apsc.ubc.ca | 604.822.6413 |
Martin, Valerie | Director, Development | valerie.martin@ubc.ca | 604.827.0081 |
May, Helen | Associate Director, Academic Systems, Enrolment & Registration | helen.may@ubc.ca | 604.822.9348 |
McCaughan, David | Associate Director of Marketing & Recruitment | david.mccaughan@ubc.ca | 604.822.1524 |
McConnell, Patric | Geering Up Camps Coordinator | patric.mcconnell@ubc.ca | |
McHardy, Wendy | Director, Marketing & Communications | wendy.mchardy@ubc.ca | 604.827.4762 |
McInnis, Catherine | Academic Advisor | catherine.mcinnis@ubc.ca | 604.827.1840 |
McLeod, Kaylin | Geering Up Vancouver Camps Coordinator | kaylin.mcleod@ubc.ca | |
Mérida, Walter | Associate Dean, Research and Industrial Partnerships | walter.merida@ubc.ca | 604.822.4189 |
Merino, Ana | Advancement Officer | ana.merino@ubc.ca | 604.822.6197 |
Meyer, Ella | Quantum Computing Outreach Coordinator | ella.meyer@ubc.ca | |
Moszynski, Joanne | Senior Manager, Research Development | joanne.moszynski@ubc.ca | |
Moyle, Alexis | Development Officer, Faculty of Applied Science | alexis.moyle@ubc.ca | 604-822-4092 |
Navaratnam, Minoli | Manager, Experiential Learning & Professional Development | minoli.navaratnam@ubc.ca | 604.822.6720 |
Nguyen, Kim | Academic Systems & Registration Lead | kim.nguyen@ubc.ca | 604.822.6556 |
Nguyen, Rachel | Program Assistant | Rachel.Nguyen@ubc.ca | 604.822.3022 |
Olson, James | Dean, Faculty of Applied Science | james.olson@ubc.ca | 604.822.5705 |
On, Vicky | Senior Financial Analyst | Vicky.On@ubc.ca | |
Ong, Melanie | Financial Processing Specialist | melanie.ong@ubc.ca | 604.827.4081 |
Pang, Eva | Associate Director | eva.pang@ubc.ca | |
Pederson, Ruairidh | Program Assistant | ruairidh.pederson@ubc.ca | |
Pisciottano, Paula | Co-op Career Advisor & Industry Partner | paula.pisciottano@ubc.ca | 604.822.3660 |
Power, Devan | Creative Manager | devan.power@ubc.ca | 604.822.9016 |
Quan, Raynold | Senior Program Assistant | raynold.quan@ubc.ca | 604.827.4136 |
Reimanis, Sara | Indigenous Outreach Coordinator | sara.reimanis@ubc.ca | 604.822.9258 |
Roshan, Yaser | Senior Manager, Research Partnerships | yaser.roshan@ubc.ca | 604.822.1571 |
Sacdalan, Regie | Senior Manager, Digital Projects | reginald.sacdalan@ubc.ca | 604.822.8602 |
Saito, Kaho | Canada-Japan Co-op Coordinator | kaho.saito@ubc.ca | 604.822.6579 |
Salviejo, Liana | Interview Liaison | Liana.Salviejo@ubc.ca | |
Shevchenko, Anna | Academic Advisor | anna.shevchenko@ubc.ca | 604.822.3029 |
Shouhdy, Dina | Associate Student Recruiter, MEL & MHLP Programs | dina.shouhdy@ubc.ca | |
Smithers, Cameron | IT Client Services Manager | cameron.smithers@ubc.ca | 604.827.0615 |
Souza, Ana | Co-op Career Advisor & Industry Partner | ana.souza@ubc.ca | 604.822.6271 |
Spiridonoff, Sophie | Manager, Centre for Instructional Support (CIS) | sophie.spiridonoff@ubc.ca | 604.822.9572 |
Statham, Ailish | Senior Manager, Strategic Initiatives & Planning | ailish.statham@ubc.ca | 604.827.2979 |
Staub-French, Sheryl | Civil Engineering Head pro tem | Associate Dean, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (On Leave) | sheryl.staub-french@ubc.ca | 604.827.5118 |
Susanthan, Ayendra | IT Engagement Services Coordinator | ayendra.susanthan@ubc.ca | 604.827.0731 |
Swift, Jody | Executive Director, Strategy and Planning | jody.swift@ubc.ca | 604.822.8801 |
Syrnyk, Jennifer | Associate Director, Development & Alumni Engagement | jennifer.syrnyk@ubc.ca | 604.827.4879 |
Tachibana, Rumiko | Associate Academic Advisor | rumiko.tachibana@ubc.ca | |
Tan, Christina | Financial Coordinator | christina.tan@ubc.ca | 604.822.2476 |
Thomsen, Laura | Operations & Project Coordinator | laura.thomsen@ubc.ca | 604.827.0039 |
Topor, Grant | Student Professional Development Officer (UBCO) | grant.topor@ubc.ca | |
Tsang (On Leave), Karen | Manager, Development & Strategic Initiatives | karen.tsang@ubc.ca | 604.822.9976 |
Tse, Mimi | Coordinator, First Year Engineering | mimi.tse@ubc.ca | 604.822.3391 |
Tuffin, Kelsey | Geering Up School Programs Coordinator | kelsey.tuffin@ubc.ca | |
Vaziri, Reza | Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs | reza.vaziri@ubc.ca | 604.822.2800 |
Wagner (On Leave), Manoela | Marketing Specialist, MEL & MHLP Programs | manoela.wagner@ubc.ca | 604.827.2645 |
Wallace, Kimberly | Program Assistant | kimberly.wallace@ubc.ca | 604.822.9643 |
Wan, Connie | Marketing Specialist | connie.wan@ubc.ca | |
Wang, Maggie | Development Coordinator | maggie.wang@ubc.ca | 604.822.8335 |
Waran, Dheeraj | Student Support Specialists | dheeraj.waran@ubc.ca | 604.833.8579 |
Wong, Xenia | Geering Up Marketing & Communications Coordinator | xenia.wong@ubc.ca | |
Woo, Debbie | Senior Director, Development & Alumni Engagement | debbie.woo@ubc.ca | 604.822.6856 |
Wu, Sulay | Buyer, Financial Operations | sulay.fengwu@ubc.ca | |
Xie, Rachel | International Programs & Transfer Credit Advisor | rachel.xie@ubc.ca | 604.822.6014 |
Yee, Sue | Senior Manager, Faculty Affairs (faculty HR) | sue.yee@ubc.ca | 604.822.3132 |
Yeung, Noelle | Interim Manager, Development & Strategic Initiatives | noelle.yeung@ubc.ca | 604.827.1755 |
Yim, Clement | Manager, MEL & MHLP Programs | clement.yim@ubc.ca | 604.822.9014 |
Zen (On Leave), Lillienne | Communications Manager | lillienne.zen@ubc.ca | |
Zwang, Maya | Co-op Career Advisor & Industry Partner | maya.zwang@ubc.ca | 604.827.2096 |