A new faculty position is usually proposed first by the academic unit. Once the position has been approved by the Dean, a search committee within the academic unit is established. Units may vary slightly in their recruitment process. In general, the committee solicits and receives applications, reviews applications, develops a long-list of candidates and conducts virtual interviews. It then develops a short-list of candidates, seeks references on them, and arranges for them to visit UBC to be interviewed, meet members of the department/school, and tour facilities.
Following this process, the Head/Director may approach you with a tentative offer of appointment, subject to formal approvals. You can expect a delay of several weeks between your acceptance of this tentative offer and approvals by the Dean and the Provost.
For appointments at the rank of Associate Professor, Professor, Associate Professor of Teaching or Professor of Teaching, this process may take slightly longer since the case also needs to be considered by the University's Senior Appointments Committee. You are welcome to contact the Head at any point during the application process.