Strategic Priority Areas:
Thriving Cities + Communities

Vancouver and Burnaby residents reported extreme chemical smell and coughing following Parkland refinery accident

Vancouver Sun | | Media coverage

A project led by mechanical engineering researchers called “Smell Vancouver” received record reports following an industrial accident at Burnaby’s Parkland refinery. Dr. Naomi Zimmerman commented on the reports.

Some dig, others bury first phase of B.C.’s critical minerals strategy

Victoria News | | Media coverage

Professor Dr. John Steen (Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering; Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining) commented on the B.C. government’s critical minerals strategy. 

Creating nature-based childcare spaces

Global News | | Media coverage

UBC SALA professor Susan Herrington, and student Jennifer Richards spoke about the potential benefits of locating childcare play spaces on public sites. 

Would British Columbians support a tax increase to fund an improved snow response?

CBC BC Today | | Media coverage

UBCO civil engineering professor Dr. Gordon Lovegrove discussed the results of a survey on Kelowna residents' thoughts around taxes and snow response. 

A Semester In Hong Kong Was A Highlight Of Tina Nguyen’s Engineering Education

| Spotlight

Tina's decision of studying electrical engineering and how going on exchange was an amazing experience for her.

Keep An Open Mind And Trust Things Will Work Out

| Spotlight

Declan's experience in computer engineering and studying for a semester abroad.

Vancouver weather: Why can't buses make it up snowy hills?

The Province | | Media coverage

UBCO civil engineering professor Dr. Gordon Lovegrove said the infrequent snow and lack of machinery in Metro Vancouver makes it difficult for roads to be plowed quickly when it snows. 

How AI could help the water industry curb its thirst for energy

Fortune | | Media coverage

Chemical and biological engineering professor Dr. Madjid Mohseni said that the water industry is risk-averse to trying new approaches such as AI as the industry is responsible for public health.

Engineering Is A Way Of Thinking And A Way Of Life

| Spotlight

Raven's experience in integrated engineering and his co-op journey.

How should British Columbians navigate extreme weather?

CKNW Mornings with Simi | | Media coverage

UBCO School of Engineering's civil engineering professor Dr. Gordon Lovegrove discussed how B.C. residents can navigate severe weather conditions. 

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