Strategic Priority Areas:
Thriving Cities + Communities

Prevention of ice buildup on B.C. bridges cost $3.6 million so far this winter

The Province | | Media coverage

Civil engineering lecturer Dr. Salman Soleimani said the collar system to reduce the formation of ice and snow on bridges has high costs and safety risks. 

What e-bike rebates can (and can’t) do

Bloomberg | | Media coverage

Dr. Alex Bigazzi, civil engineering professor, chimed in on other benefits of e-bike incentives. 

Applied Science faculty win all UBC Campus as a Living Lab ‘Grand Challenge’ awards

| Announcement

The Campus as a Living Lab 'Grand Challenge' called for visionary approaches to how BC and Canada can effectively respond to the climate emergency. This year's winning projects on both UBC campuses all hail from the Faculty of Applied…

Vancouver’s Expo deck set to be deconstructed

Global News | | Media coverage

Civil engineering lecturer Dr. Salman Soleimani commented on the deconstruction of the giant deck at the east end of False Creek next to Science World. 

How AI social robots could support people living with dementia and their care providers

Beyond | | Media coverage

At UBC’s Innovation in Dementia and Aging (IDEA) Lab, headed by Dr. Lillian Hung, researchers consult with the tech industry to develop more equitable technology, bridging the gap between developers and people living with dementia, their families…

UBC researchers look to the past to improve construction sustainability

| Announcement

Researchers at UBC Okanagan are revisiting old building practices — the use of by-products and cast-offs — as a way to improve building materials and sustainability of the trade.

B.C. teens trying cannabis, alcohol or tobacco at lowest rate in 30 years, study finds

The Globe and Mail (subscription) | | Media coverage

Nursing professor Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc commented on young people trying cannabis. 

This clinic for gender-affirming health care went private. The founder wishes it didn't have to

CBC | | Media coverage

Nursing professor Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc said political messages around gender-affirming care can discourage providers from providing care to some patients, further affecting access. 

Puberty blockers: What to know about the medication — and where Canadian politicians stand

Yahoo | | Media coverage

Nursing professor Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc commented on Alberta's proposed legislation to restrict trans youth health care.

I took a driverless taxi and here’s why it freaked me out

Daily Hive | | Media coverage

Dr. Alex Bigazzi, civil engineering professor, said self-driving technology is not ready for full deployment in Canada as it needs more development. 

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