Not approved
- Grad year: 1964
- Program:
The UBC School of Nursing Class of 1964 celebrated their 60th anniversary in Vancouver in the home of Tove Brown. Eleven of us gathered (from a class of 24) to share life experiences and to enjoy the company of a group of extraordinary women.
The participants were:
BACK ROW: Delcie (Hagnes) Hill, Nora (Wright) Osborne, Sally (Dumaresq) Adams, Audrey (Robb) Dumaresq, Karen (Youell) Harrison, Tove (Monsen) Brown
Lynn (Oldam) Wai, Ann (MacKenzie) Rogers, Margaret (Lendrum) Harrison, Sandy (Hymas) Pais, Ruth (Stout) Brock
Submitted by Tove Brown, BSN '64