- Degree: Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- Grad year: 1963
- Program:
12 of our classmates were to attend our 60th reunion luncheon which was hosted at my home. At the last day two of our classmates were unable to make it so there were 10 of us.
We started as a class in 1959 with 28 students. Four students dropped out and 24 of us graduated. Six of our classmates have died and so now there are 18 of us. As we were such a small class we knew each other very well and became good friends. For the three months we spent at Riverview (Essondale) we lived together in residence.
Those attending:
1. Pat Gunning
2. Marg McKelvie
3. Sheila Ward nee Brown
4. Barb Smith nee Whitaker
5. Rose Marie Fournier nee Ettel
6. Janet Cormode nee Tyson
7. Val Whitlam
8. Trudie Murray nee Clark
9. Jean Groome nee Marsh
10. Lynne Birkenhead nee Begg
Submitted by Lynne Birkenhead