Research Excellence

Engineering prof elected to US National Academy of Engineering

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Rabab Ward, a professor emerita in UBC’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has been elected a Foreign Member of the United States’ National Academy of Engineering (NAE) for her “innovative applications of signal processing to…

New device identifies high-quality blood donors

| Announcement

Blood banks have long known about high-quality donors — individuals whose red blood cells stay viable for longer in storage, and in the recipient’s body. Now, a new device developed at UBC is showing promise as a method to identify these “super”…

UBC project to improve services for people living with dementia receives nearly $1M in federal funding

| Announcement

The Government of Canada today announced $999,888 in funding for a new UBC-led national project that aims to provide people living with dementia, as well as their family or caregivers, with opportunities to remain active and connected in their…

UBC Applied Science researchers awarded over $1.3M in CIHR Project Grants

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Researchers in UBC’s faculties of nursing and mechanical engineering have been awarded more than $1.3 million from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) through the agency’s Project Grant Program’s 2019 fall competition. The Project…

Students design novel carbon emissions process

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Each year, fourth-year chemical and biological engineering students in the Chemical and Biological Process and Product Design Course 453/454 are required to embark on a capstone project that tackles a real-world problem and comes up with a proposal…

UBC research highlights need to safeguard drones and robotic cars against cyber attacks

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Robotic vehicles like Amazon delivery drones or Mars rovers can be hacked more easily than people may think, new research from the University of British Columbia suggests. The researchers, based at UBC's faculty of applied science, designed…

UBC hosts road safety symposium featuring international experts

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With the number of car crashes resulting in injury or death increasing every year, the need to make our roads safer has never been more urgent. But as traffic worsens, potentially attention-diverting technologies proliferate and substance abuse…

Turkey 2-Part Tourney terrifies (and delights) APSC community

| Announcement

As if the approach of another Vancouver winter weren’t scary enough, today UBC Applied Science hosted its second annual Turkey 2-Part Tourney — a Halloween-themed competition that struck mortal fear into the hearts of everyone in attendance. After…

Mangrove Water Technologies awarded $5 million in global carbon reduction competition

| Announcement

UBC spin-off company Mangrove Water Technologies has won the Emissions Reduction Alberta Grand Challenge, a five-year, three-stage global competition aimed at accelerating the development of innovative technologies or processes that can turn carbon…

UBC lab spins nanofibre "gold" from waste fabrics

| Announcement

In the materials engineering labs at UBC, surrounded by Bunsen burners, microscopes and spinning machines, professor Frank Ko and research scientist Addie Bahi have developed a simple process for converting waste cotton into much higher-value…

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