UBC Applied Science researchers named among world's top scientists

More than 100 researchers affiliated with the UBC Faculty of Applied Science are among the 100,000 most-cited scientists across all scientific fields, or among the top two per cent of most-cited scientists in their respective subfields, according to a database created by a team led by professor John Ioannidis of Stanford University.
The database, which classifies scientists into 22 fields and 176 subfields and covers citations between 1996 and 2019, is based on citation metrics including total citations, the number of citations to papers in different authorship positions, and the Hirsch h-index, a measure of productivity and citation impact.
The database aims to address a lack of standardization and accuracy in existing citation data, which is often used to make hiring, promotion and funding decisions despite failing to properly account for self-citation, variations in citation density in different fields, and other issues. An earlier version of the database was published in 2019.
"We hope that the availability of standardized, field-annotated data will help achieve a more nuanced use of metrics, avoiding some of the egregious errors of raw bean-counting that are prevalent in misuse of citation metrics," the authors wrote. "Citation metrics should be used in a more systematic, less error-prone and more relevant, context-specific, and field-adjusted way."
The 115 UBC Applied Science researchers included in the database, along with their associated subfields, are (in alphabetical order):
- Akhtar, Ainul (Materials)
- Altintas, Yusuf (Industrial Engineering & Automation)
- Anderson, Joan M. (Nursing)
- Asselin, Edouard (Mining & Metallurgy)
- Banthia, Nemkumar (Building & Construction)
- Barr, P.V. (Mining & Metallurgy)
- Bhargava, Vijay K. (Networking & Telecommunications)
- Bi, Xiaotao (Chemical Engineering)
- Blake, Ian F. (Networking & Telecommunications)
- Brimacombe, J.K. (Mining & Metallurgy)
- Browne, Annette J. (Nursing)
- Campanella, R.G. (Geological & Geomatics Engineering)
- Chang, Stephanie E. (Strategic, Defence & Security Studies)
- Cheng, Julian (Networking & Telecommunications)
- Cheung, Karen C. (Analytical Chemistry)
- Chrostowski, Lukas (Optoelectronics & Photonics)
- Cole, Raymond J. (Building & Construction)
- Cooper, W.C. (Mining & Metallurgy)
- De Silva, Clarence W. (Industrial Engineering & Automation)
- Dixon, David G. (Mining & Metallurgy)
- Dommel, Hermann W. (Energy)
- Dreisinger, David (Mining & Metallurgy)
- Dumont, G.A. (Industrial Engineering & Automation)
- Elgendi, Mohamed (Biomedical Engineering)
- Ellyin, Fernand (Materials)
- Elnashaie, S.S.E.H. (Chemical Engineering)
- Embury, J.D. (Materials)
- Englezos, Peter (Chemical Engineering)
- Epstein, Norman (Chemical Engineering)
- Fels, Sidney (Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing)
- Feng, James J. (Fluids & Plasmas)
- Fernlund, Göran (Materials)
- Finn, W.D. Liam (Civil Engineering)
- Foschi, Ricardo O. (Civil Engineering)
- Frank, Lawrence D. (Public Health)
- Friedmann, John (Urban & Regional Planning)
- Frigaard, Ian A. (Polymers)
- Froese, Thomas (Building & Construction)
- Gadala, Mohamed (Mechanical Engineering & Transports)
- Grace, John R. (Chemical Engineering)
- Green, Sheldon I. (Forestry)
- Gyenge, Előd (Energy)
- Hall, Wendy A. (Nursing)
- Hasselman, D.P.H. (Materials)
- Hatzikiriakos, Savvas G. (Polymers)
- Haukaas, Terje (Civil Engineering)
- Haynes, Charles (Biotechnology)
- Hilton, B. Ann (Nursing)
- Hungr, Oldrich (Geological & Geomatics Engineering)
- Iqbal, Muhammad (Mechanical Engineering & Transports)
- Isaacson, M. (Civil Engineering)
- Jaeger, Nicolas A.F. (Optoelectronics & Photonics)
- Jatskevich, Juri (Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
- Kallel, S. (Networking & Telecommunications)
- Kerekes, Richard (Forestry)
- Ko, Frank (Materials)
- Krishnamurthy, Vikram (Networking & Telecommunications)
- Kruchten, Philippe (Software Engineering)
- Lampe, Lutz (Networking & Telecommunications)
- Laskowski, Janusz S. (Mining & Metallurgy)
- Leung, Victor C.M. (Networking & Telecommunications)
- Li, Loretta Y. (Environmental Sciences)
- Lim, C. Jim (Chemical Engineering)
- Madden, John D.W. (Materials)
- Martí, José Ramón (Energy)
- Masri, Bassam (Orthopedics)
- McDaniels, Timothy (Environmental Sciences)
- Meech, John A. (Mining & Metallurgy)
- Militzer, Matthias (Materials)
- Millar, Robert (Environmental Engineering)
- Mindess, Sidney (Building & Construction)
- Mirabbasi, Shahriar (Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
- Mitchell, Alec (Materials)
- Modi, V.J. (Aerospace & Aeronautics)
- Mohseni, Madjid (Environmental Engineering)
- Nabi, Ivan Robert (Developmental Biology)
- O'Leary, Stephen K. (Applied Physics)
- Oliffe, John L. (Public Health)
- Ollivier-Gooch, Carl F. (Aerospace & Aeronautics)
- Olson, James (Forestry)
- Olson, M.D. (Mechanical Engineering & Transports)
- Oxland, Thomas R. (Orthopedics)
- Pawlik, Marek (Mining & Metallurgy)
- Poole, Warren J. (Materials)
- Poursartip, A. (Materials)
- Ratner, Pamela A. (Nursing)
- Rees, William E. (Agricultural Economics & Policy)
- Ripeanu, Matei (Distributed Computing)
- Rogak, Steven N. (Energy)
- Rojas, Orlando J. (Polymers)
- Sadiq, Rehan (Environmental Sciences)
- Saewyc, Elizabeth M. (Public Health)
- Salcudean, Septimiu E. (Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging)
- Samarasekera, I.V. (Mining & Metallurgy)
- Sayed, Tarek (Logistics & Transportation)
- Schajer, Gary S. (Mechanical Engineering & Transports)
- Scoble, Malcolm (Mining & Metallurgy)
- Sen, Rajan (Civil Engineering)
- Sinclair, Chad W. (Materials)
- Sokhansanj, Shahab (Agronomy & Agriculture)
- Taghipour, Fariborz (Chemical Engineering)
- Tesfamariam, Solomon (Civil Engineering)
- Thorne, Sally (Nursing)
- Troczynski, Tom (Materials)
- Tromans, Desmond (Materials)
- Vaid, Yoginder P. (Geological & Geomatics Engineering)
- Varcoe, Colleen (Nursing)
- Wang, Rizhi (Biomedical Engineering)
- Wang, Z. Jane (Networking & Telecommunications)
- Ward, Rabab K. (Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing)
- Watkinson, A. Paul (Chemical Engineering)
- Wilkinson, David P. (Energy)
- Wilton, Steven J.E. (Computer Hardware & Architecture)
- Wong, Vincent W.S. (Networking & Telecommunications)
- Zandstra, Peter W. (Developmental Biology)