
When the chips are up

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Few people can claim, as Colin Harris can, to have been part of a team that contributed, in the 1990s, to the evolution of the Internet. But given the complexity of his company’s innovation, many of us may need Google to understand it. While any…

Engineers develop water filtration system that permanently removes 'forever chemicals'

NBC News | | Media coverage

Research led by chemical and biological engineering professor Dr. Madjid Mohseni discovered a way to eliminate harmful chemicals that usually take hundreds of years to break down.

What the battle for Teck says about mining, ESG and the clean energy transition

BNN Bloomberg | | Media coverage

Dr. John Steen from the Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering commented on the mining industry and clean energy. 

UBC students construct one of Canada’s first ‘carbon-minimal’ hempcrete buildings

The Globe and Mail | | Media coverage

UBC student engineering and architectural team Third Quadrant Design’s new carbon-minimal hempcrete building was featured by the media. The team was advised by SALA associate professor Dr. Adam Rysanek.

Hydrogen-electric trams pitched to link Kamloops to US border

Castanet | | Media coverage

UBC Okanagan engineering Dr. Gord Lovegrove pitched a hydrogen-electric tram service that would connect Kamloops to the U.S. border. 

Over $10 million in NSERC funding for UBC Applied Science quantum research, engineering training 

| Announcement

Over $10 million in NSERC funding have been awarded to UBC Applied Science for quantum computing research and innovative new training programs in biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, and materials engineering.

UBC investigates next generation of construction tech

SiteNews | | Media coverage

Civil engineering Dr. Tony Yang is leading a multi-university research project to reset national building standards for mass timber construction.

New tech could one day scrub ‘forever chemicals’ from your tap water

Washington Post | | Media coverage

Research led by chemical and biological engineering professor Dr. Madjid Mohseni discovered a way to eliminate harmful chemicals that usually take hundreds of years to break down.

UBCO engineering students cap off year with showcase

Castanet Kelowna | | Media coverage

UBC Okanagan engineering students set to graduate this year gathered Friday at Kelowna’s KF Centre for Excellence to showcase their year-long capstone projects, where they learn how to collaborate with industry partners to solve real world problems.

Concerns raised about safety on Metro Vancouver transit after multiple stabbings

CityNews Everywhere | | Media coverage

UBCO engineering professor Dr. Gordon Lovegrove commented on the recent violence on Metro Vancouver transit. 

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