- Grad year: 1968
- Program:
Twelve members of the Engineering Class of '68 got together for their 55th reunion in Vancouver, BC for an afternoon social and dinner.
This 2023 get together was a follow-up to our 50th reunion in 2018. That event which was comprised of two nights with a pub meeting with the guys and a dinner meeting the next evening with spouses. It was decided to simplify things this year to a one evening dinner session with wives & partners optional. The gathering started in the afternoon with general socializing and a buffet dinner at River Rock Casino later that evening.
The program involved each of the guys commenting on their life & career. As a suggestion, they were provided the following 6 headings to comment on: Why Engineering, Career Summary, Family, Hobbies, Influential People and Disappointments. All twelve graduates provided thoughtful summaries in response to the above headings. Concluding remarks involved thanking the event organizers and deciding if & when we would reconvene this group, including unfound others from the UBC Civil ‘68 Class. All indicated enjoyment of the event and agreed on reassembling in two years for our 57 year Reunion. It’s also worth mentioning that two of the attendees came from Ontario and one from California, and that four others who had signed up where not able to make it to the Saturday evening session.
The 15 attendees in alphabetical order were: Ken Finch, Bob Fulton, Verne Jensen, Shannon King (formerly known as Dennis Dodman), Jim Lightfoot, Ed McBean, Donald McDougald* (with wife Grace), Lorrence “Mel” Melnechenko*, John Morse, Lynn Spraggs, Lloyd Thate* (with wife Maureen), John Thompson (with wife Anne) and Douglas Whitehead*. The asterisks indicate the four organizing committee members.
Submitted by Donald McDougald