- Degree: Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- Grad year: 1969
- Campus: Vancouver
It was the year man first landed on the moon that the class of 1969 BSN graduates walked across the stage to receive their degrees. Fifty years later 15 of our original class gathered to celebrate a half century of knowing each other and to share stories of the past and present. The majority of attendees have now retired from nursing but retain a keen interest in health care.
The first evening we celebrated enjoying a delicious catered dinner at the home of a classmate. The setting was superb as it allowed for lots of informal chatter among attendees. There was a table of memorabilia and pictures to help recall shared events such as Teacup Games.
The morning following we met in the School of Nursing and had the opportunity to meet Dr Elizabeth Saewyc, the present Director of the School. She shared information about her professional background and outlined the present curriculum. Courses sounded so interesting many of us thought we would like to enrol again. Following our tour of the school we visited the Wesbrook Building where the School of Nursing was originally located and where we had many classes. We then toured the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre, the Nest and enjoyed walking down the Main Mall to Sage Bistro for lunch. A visit to MH Belkin Gallery completed our tour.
The following morning we boarded the HMCS Brittania with families for a cruise up Indian Arm-excellent weather, a tasty lunch and a chance to relax on deck. It was a good opportunity to interact again.
Those interested in spending more time together visited Whistler for three days with their families. The Reunion was wonderfully successful and hopefully all look forward to our next event-another chance to reminisce and catch up with good friends.
Planning Committee: Joy Page, Rona Black, Sharon Sundberg
Submitted By: Sharon Sundberg BSN 1969