Nursing school: blood, sweat, and tears (ours not our patients')

"We, nurses, have an obligation to turn our knowledge into effective advocacy in attempts to dismantle the systemic injustices ingrained within our society."

Golzar Doroudi

Golzar Doroudi

  • Degree: Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Grad year: 2021
  • Program:
  • Campus: Vancouver

I first graduated UBC in 2019 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and started the Bachelor of Science in Nursing immediately after. I have always been drawn to chasing experiences that would broaden my perspective while being able to give back to the community. Working and volunteering with different populations in different environments has shaped who I am today. The flexibility of nursing has exposed me to different fields in the profession from working with the pediatric oncological population, in the pediatric emergency department, to engaging in nursing research (EQUIP Health Care) looking at health equity interventions in health care settings. I have further immersed myself in mental health and suicide prevention and hope to continue my work in these fields as I start my Master of Science in Nursing this coming year.  

Why did you choose to go into your field of study at UBC? 

I would describe myself as a lifelong learner and that is exactly what nursing provides. I wanted to pursue a profession that would allow me to continue learning from my patients, their families, multidisciplinary team members, and evolving research. This field also emphasizes interpersonal connections and cultivating intimate relationships with patients that is so unique to nursing. 

UBC’s accelerated nursing program allowed me to graduate and enter the workforce faster. When I chose to pursue my nursing, it was important to me to have a good support system from friends and faculty inside and out of the classroom, and I knew that was something UBC would provide. 

What has made your time at UBC memorable? 

What made my time at UBC memorable were the people I met, specifically my classmates and professors. The fellow Dolphins (cohort) are the ones that get you through those care plans, tests, and clinical experiences. Classmates essentially become your second family where you end up laughing and crying together. I am thankful and honoured to have met brilliant, ambitious and determined people in the program that inspire me to be a better person and nurse. Graduating nursing school during a global pandemic has been an… interesting adventure and I want to commend this cohort for showing nothing but resilience. 

Tell us about your experience in your program. What have you learned that is most valuable? 

Learning to shift my view of patient care to have a trauma-and violence-informed lens has been the most valuable and crucial experience that I take with me into practice. I am continually reminded of the ways that systemic racism, barriers, and health inequities impact our marginalized and discriminated communities. The SoN provided a class on Indigenous Health that helped remind me of the problems both within and outside of the healthcare system that BIPOC face. While I have the privilege of being a part of someone’s health care journey and have the opportunity to influence the experience of that of my patients and families, the profession goes beyond direct patient care. I am reminded that I have the responsibility of upholding the values of equity, justice and advocacy to amplify the voices of those oppressed. 

What advice would you give a student entering your degree program? 

I would say to enter the program with an open mind and a growth mindset. Try to make the most of clinical experiences and remember that opportunity is a learning moment. It is easy to fixate on classroom grades and knowing all of the information, but the most valuable learning experience is going into clinical and asking questions about your patients. This can help to prepare for real-life application if you choose to work bedside. Nursing has such a wide array of skill sets and job specializations, that it’s okay if you don’t know where you want to be when you start. 

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UBC Applied Science students are people who are passionate about their chosen field — architecture, landscape architecture, community and regional planning, engineering and nursing — and those that inspire others by making meaningful contributions to the betterment of society.

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