Topics: Nursing

Health Canada conducts safety review on breastfeeding drug amid psychiatric concerns

Toronto Star | | Media coverage

Janet Currie, a research collaborator with UBC’s school of nursing, discussed concerns regarding breastfeeding women, doctors and midwives who may not have guidance during a Health Canada review for a breastfeeding drug. 

Yes, to seniors' housing in my backyard

Vancouver Sun | | Media coverage

Dan Levitt, adjunct professor of nursing, discussed the need for more senior housing options that are in established neighbourhoods because they are too often out of reach for older persons.

Older adults with cancer need coordinated and specialized health services

| Announcement

UBC Nursing assistant professor Dr. Kristen Haase discusses the challenges and discrimination that older adults with cancer face in the B.C. health care system.

Men likely to develop mental health issues after a breakup, according to study

The Daily News | | Media coverage

A study led by nursing professor Dr. John Oliffe found that men are at an increased risk of developing a mental illness after a breakup.

As possible recession looms, advocate warn domestic violence could increase

CTV News | | Media coverage

Nursing professor emeritus Dr. Colleen Varcoe discusses how domestic violence will only continue to be magnified by economic downturns if changes and policies aren't made to support victims.

Interdisciplinary health research involving UBC Applied Science awarded $225,000

| Announcement

Nine interdisciplinary research projects affiliated with UBC Applied Science are each receiving up to $25,000 in funding for innovative health research.

Reframing masculinity: Connecting men to mental health supports that work

| Announcement

Dr. John Oliffe, founder and lead researcher of the Men's Health Research Program at UBC, is working to provide science-backed mental health resources for men as well as help men build better relationships.

Celebrating diversity and fostering inclusion to improve the health of 2SLGBTQ+ youth

| Announcement

Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc, Executive Director of the Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre (SARAVYC) at UBC explores the question of how we can create more inclusive and supportive environments for 2SLGBTQ+ youth.

Teen marijuana poisonings have skyrocketed. How to keep your child safe

Time | | Media coverage

Associate nursing professor Dr. Emily Jenkins discussed the value of trust in creating a "sense of safety" when parents speak to their children about cannabis.

From expert Registered Nurse to novice Nurse Practitioner

| Spotlight

My professional journey began in 2010, when I graduated in France with a Degree in Nursing. My first clinical placement as a student nurse was eye-opening, as I simply loved the complexity of nursing with its multi-faceted knowledge components.…

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