Strategic Priority Areas:
Planetary Health

UBC Applied Science and Teck announce $4M for mine tailings research and education

| Announcement

UBC Applied Science and Teck announced a $4 million investment into a new professorship focused on enhancing safety and sustainability in mine tailings management.

Finding new life for plastic waste

| Announcement

UBC Okanagan's Dr. Mohammad Arjmand and his interdisciplinary research team are exploring solutions to the world’s obsession with plastics

Collective action on climate change: reflections on COP27 and beyond

| Announcement

UBC materials engineering student Rynn Zhang attended the United Nations’ climate change conference, COP27, in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. She shares her reflections on the conference and an update on Canada's policies and promises.

‘Mother nature never gives up the gold easy’: Terrace prospector lands first deal

Terrace Standard | | Media coverage

Mining engineering professor Dr. Bern Klein noted that success rate for exploration companies to convert a deposit into an operating mine is very low.

Comment: Business leaders should think about net zero

Times Colonist | | Media coverage

Chemical and biological engineering adjunct professor Dr. Roland Clift argued that businesses need to think about what they can contribute to achieving net-zero.

Landslide reshapes popular climbing spire in B.C.

Globe and Mail | | Media coverage

Davide Elmo, professor in the Department of Mining Engineering, offered his expertise on the Snowpatch landslide. 

The future of nuclear fission

On The Coast with Gloria Macarenko | | Media coverage

Ben Britton, associate professor of materials engineering at UBC, joins us to discuss the promising future of nuclear fission.

UBC researchers studying AI to reduce sea noise for whales

CityNews | | Media coverage

Dr. Jasmin Jelovica and Dr. Rajeev Jaiman, professors of mechanical engineering, are studying solutions for reducing chronic ship noise that can lead to stress, hearing loss and feeding problems for marine mammals.

UBC engineers want to save whales from drowning… in noise

| Announcement

Chronic ship noise can lead to stress, hearing loss and feeding problems for marine mammals like whales, dolphins and porpoises. UBC Engineering researchers Dr. Rajeev Jaiman and Dr. Jasmin Jelovica are diving in to help address the issue.

'One piece of the puzzle': UBC Sustainability Hub and SFU Sustainability host post-COP27 discussion

Ubyssey | | Media coverage

Materials engineering student Rynn Zhang spoke to her experience at the UN Conference of the Parties 27 (COP27) and reflected on the urgency for action and bringing attention to Canada as a global emitter.

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