"As an engineer, there is always an end use for your work – you’re not just coming up with your own problems to research and solve."

Alberto Mussali
- Degree: Bachelor of Applied Science
- Grad year: 2022
- Program:
- Campus: Vancouver
Job title as of April 2023: Applications Engineer at Convergent Manufacturing Technologies
Why did you want to study engineering?
My initial intention coming out of high school was to study applied physics. However, the only university I applied to in Canada was UBC, and I knew it had a great engineering program. So for my UBC application I put engineering as my top choice. I then had to choose between studying applied physics in the US or engineering here. Ultimately, I decided on engineering at UBC. I thought engineering could give me a broader range of options for the future.
What was your experience of the program?
The fact it was a new and small program meant we were very close with our fellow students and the professors. I loved all the open-ended projects, which gave us room for creativity. It’s very satisfying to come up with a unique solution – usually after lots of trial and error!
Manufacturing Engineering Projects

What sorts of skills did UBC Engineering help you develop?
Engineering is all about developing your problem-solving skills.
The questions you are trying to solve are so open ended and there is no one “right answer.” That makes for a lot of research and trial and error. You learn to be comfortable being thrown into the deep end and having the confidence that you will be able to figure things out – to be able to identify and evaluate a whole range of potential solutions.
Tell us about your job.
I am working as an applications engineer at Convergent Manufacturing Technologies, a company that develops manufacturing software used by companies in the aerospace and other industries who are working with advanced materials. My job as an analyst is to dig into all sorts of laboratory tests on various materials and find a way to model them mathematically so they can be used to support simulation and design.
Convergent Manufacturing Technologies
Any advice for students who are thinking about UBC Engineering?
Take UBC’s motto, Tuum Est, literally. It is up to you.
Yes, engineering is hard and it is quite a time commitment. But it is up to you. You can make your degree whatever you want it to be. And if you give it enough time and effort, everything will work out.