"I developed a strong work ethic, leadership and teamwork skills through my program."

Arya Subramanyam
- Degree: Bachelor of Applied Science
- Grad year: 2023
- Program:
- Campus: Vancouver
Job title as of June 2023: Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services
Why did you want to study engineering?
Although I was interested in the sciences in high school, I was more intrigued by opportunities to apply concepts rather than doing straight research. I also knew I was inclined to work in industry, which solidified engineering as the right choice for me over science, faculty-wise.
How did you decide to specialize in Computer Engineering?
I was required to take APSC 160 as a part of my first-year requirements, which introduced me to the world of computers and software. I hadn’t done any coding or programming before, but I found myself playing around with what I had built for assignments and adding complexity to my work. I realized that this area of engineering really excited me, which is why I chose Computer Engineering as my specialization.
Did you have to relocate for co-op? Any advice for other students moving to a new city for a work term?
For my last work term, I had to relocate to Toronto. Moving to a new city can be daunting, but it’s also extremely exciting. My advice would be to behave like a tourist if the city is new to you - discover different spots, restaurants and activities that you enjoy.
To meet new people, you must put yourself out there! Don’t be afraid to approach strangers and start a conversation with them, or attend music or food festivals and clubs that are conducive to connecting with people.
Additionally, make the most of your experience working in an office environment. Engage with your coworkers and take part in company events.
This will allow you to both integrate into the company culture and help grow your network in a more enjoyable and natural manner!
What are some other highlights of your time at UBC?
I was involved with various clubs on campus, including Women in Engineering and UBC Voyage Design Team. In 2021, I was selected as the President of the Google Developer Student Club @ UBC. I was thrilled to have the chance to be in a leadership role and bring amazing opportunities to the UBC community. Our club organized events and projects to provide technical training and networking opportunities for students, and we gained 553 members and hosted 11 events with 700+ attendees. Our club’s success would not have been possible without the efforts and dedication of the entire Executive Team and I am extremely proud of the impact we created on the UBC community.
Women in Engineering Google Developer Student Club @ UBC
You moved to Canada from India. What was your experience like as an international student?
Moving to a new country as an international student can be extremely daunting, but it is one of the most exciting experiences to go through.
I initially faced challenges with finding my community at UBC. Joining various student groups, clubs and design teams on campus helped me meet other students with similar interests. My advice for others thinking of making this move would be to put yourself out there! Make the effort to connect with other students and get involved with communities that you are interested in.
What are your top tips for students who incoming engineering students?
Prioritize your work and to be kind to yourself!
You’ll face multiple conflicting deadlines and massive numbers of assignments and projects to complete in parallel. Make smart decisions when planning out your schedule. Also, keep in mind that the university experience is not all about your grades. Ten years down the line, you will remember a night out with your friends much more than the regret of skipping one weekly quiz worth 1% of your grade. Constantly evaluate which will add the most overall value to your experience here at UBC, and not just in an academic sense.