I recently had the pleasure of hosting a BBQ at Locarno Beach for various cohorts of UBC Civil Engineering alumni, accompanied by a mix of current students ranging from Undergraduates to PhD candidates in Civil, Mechanical, and Computer Engineering disciplines. We even had a few non-engineering industry guests who work in engineering heavy industries. Our alumni representation was diverse, including undergraduate degree holders, master’s degree holders, and even a few double alumni. This gathering was fun and enriching, not only for the alumni, but also the current APSC students who broadened their networks beyond their respective cohorts. Everyone had the chance to interact with alumni of various graduating classes, current students in various APSC disciplines, and a few industry guests to top it all off. Thank you UBC APSC Alumni Engagement for this initiative, it was a great way to build community.
Submitted by Hamed Barkh, BASc '21