We started our day on campus off with reliving the challenges of parking like in the old days. It was a challenge finding a spot not in the old B lot but in a 4 level parkade. We tried to find something down low but ended up at the top of the parkade on level 4. The parking challenge is still there but we were close to the chemical engineering building and the price was affordable $4/hour not downtown Vancouver prices. Our first place of visit was wandering through the chemical biological engineering building first and second levels. We found our graduation photos on second floor. Although this building was not the one we did our studies in our graduation photos gave us a feeling of ownership however we still missed our old cozy building. Next we found the Alumni building and hung out there for a little while taking in the years we spent at UBC and the years that have passed in a blink of an eye. The alumni building has rooms for alumni to use to host special events. Browns Crafthouse kitchen bar is located a stones throw from the alumni center so it was fitting to sit down a have a bite here. After lunch we explored the numerous floors of the student union building before heading off campus. The design of this building was well done and a big improvement from the old SUB. We were disappointed that the PIT pub was closed and only open Wednesday nights. There was not a day on campus when I did not walk through the PIT even if I wasn’t dining there just to see if a familiar face was sitting in there. It was a great visit for all, I have been there recently but it is always nice to be there with alumni and to see and hear their reflections through a different lens. Now for some statistics, from a small sample size of 5 offspring from this group of alumni, 60% attended UBC, and 20% attended applied science.
Submitted by Douglas Dang, BASc '90