Organizing a gathering for APSC alumni in the West Kootenays was a breeze. We all decided to go mountain biking and then enjoy some food at the local pub. The day started with an exciting biking adventure at Red Mountain. Participants, ranging from beginners to seasoned riders, eagerly embraced the challenge. The first trail to tackle was called “Gold Digger” - An intermediate flowy, single-track mountain biking trail with technical features and wooden bridges. With the power of peer pressure, we convinced the beginner riders to take on the Gold Digger challenge, which they were thrilled they did. Afterwards, we climbed back up the hill to ride the advanced machine-built flow trail called “Dragon Tail”. The trail is made up several tabletop jumps, which will surely get the rubber off the ground. At the bottom of the trail, we found that our table at the pub was ready, and then we were off. We loaded up the table with several rounds of tangy and seasoned wings until the waitress lost track of how many wings she brought out. Stories were exchanged, laughs were shared, and the evening turned out to be a fantastic way to end the day.
Submitted by Samim Mokhtar, BASc '18