Governor General's Silver Medal awarded to Engineering Physics graduate James Wu
Engineering Physics graduate James Wu is a recipient of one of the Governor General’s Silver academic medals, an award created in 1873 to encourage and recognize outstanding academic achievements.

James Wu, UBC Engineering Physics graduate, is one of this year's recipients of the Governor General's Silver medals for best academic record at the undergraduate level. James chose Engineering Physics because he wanted to pursue a future where he could push humanity’s scientific and technological boundaries, and he felt that the broad and rigorous curriculum that Engineering Physics offers in fundamental theory would be appropriate training for such a career path. James has appreciated the small community and mentoring he has received through the program and will carry these skills and connections with him as he pursues his PhD in Physics at UC Berkeley this fall.
The Governor General’s academic medals were created in 1873 to encourage and recognize outstanding academic achievements at three levels: Bronze for a student graduating from high school with the highest academic average, Silver for the best academic record in undergraduate studies at a university, and Gold at the graduate level. UBC awards three Silver medals each year: one in Arts, one in Science, and one for all the other faculties including those at UBC Okanagan.