SCARP prof appointed to Council of Canadian Academies expert panel

Stephanie Chang, a professor in UBC's School of Community and Regional Planning, has been appointed a Member of the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) Expert Panel on Natural Disaster Resilience.
An independent, non-profit organization based in Ottawa, the CCA brings together diverse groups of experts to assess the evidence on complex scientific topics relevant to the public. Chang and her fellow panel members will work to answer a question posed by Public Safety Canada: "What key opportunities exist to improve disaster resilience in Canada through better integration of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation research and practice?"
Members of CCA's expert panels, who represent a broad range of disciplines, organizations and geographical locations, are vetted through a rigorous process involving the CCA's Scientific Advisory Committee, the Royal Society of Canada, the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and the Canadian Academy of Engineering. Panel members are ultimately approved by the CCA's board of directors.
For more information, please see the CCA's official release and panel member page for Stephanie Chang.