Photo credit: Clare Kiernan
To assist you in considering research and teaching career opportunities within the Faculty, browse through this section for faculty recruitment information. However, please note that this information is intended to provide a general overview of the employment environment for faculty members in the Faculty of Applied Science at UBC. The information provided has been extracted from a number of University sources (e.g. the UBC Policy Handbook, the Agreement on Terms of Appointment for Faculty Members, etc.). While we believe our interpretation and summary of the relevant information is correct, in the case of disagreement of interpretation, the official documentation will be held to be final.
The Faculty of Applied Science includes all UBC Engineering activities at both the UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan, as well as the Schools of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Community and Regional Planning and Nursing. The Faculty was one of UBC's three founding faculties, admitting some of the University's first students in engineering in 1915. UBC instituted the first degree program in Nursing in the British Empire in 1919, and Architecture was established within the Faculty of Applied Science in 1946. Community and Regional Planning joined Applied Science in 2012, having previously been housed within the College for Interdisciplinary Studies.
UBC is a vibrant place for research, teaching and innovation. For reasons to work at UBC, visit the UBC HR's Why Work at UBC?
Overall, the Faculty of Applied Science has a strong collegial environment, with faculty and staff interacting closely both professionally and socially. We expect you to find that UBC and Greater Vancouver will provide a stimulating, enjoyable environment in which to raise families, enjoy a high quality of life, while pursuing a successful professional career.
If you wish to obtain further information on any aspect of academic appointments at UBC, please feel free to contact your head, your department administrator, or the Faculty of Applied Science Dean's Office.
Dean's Office
Sue Yee
Senior Manager, Faculty Affairs
Faculty of Applied Science
The University of British Columbia
5000 - 2332 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Email: sue.yee@ubc.ca