Faculty Directory

  • Tarek Sayed

    Tarek Sayed

    Civil Engineering

    Research/teaching areas

    Full Bayes safety models, automated safety analysis using computer vision techniques, safety evaluations, traffic conflicts techniques, pedestrian modeling, and ITS

  • Gary Schajer

    Gary Schajer

    Mechanical Engineering

    Research/teaching areas

    Developing methods to measure residual stresses suitable for industry use through ESPI and strain-gauge techniques, developing high-speed scanner to measure surface profile of rapidly moving lumber to enhance cut accuracy, and identifying lumber properties using microwave techniques

  • Rachel Scholes

    Rachel Scholes

    Civil Engineering

    Research/teaching areas

    Environmental chemistry, trace contaminants, water reuse, nature-based treatment systems, stormwater treatment.

  • Profile photo of Ashley Scott

    Ashley Scott


    Research/teaching areas

    Evaluation of new learning technologies or tools and their integration into existing programs; Impact of learning technologies on students

  • Dimitry Sediako

    Dimitry Sediako

    Engineering (Okanagan campus)

    Research/teaching areas

    Stress analysis in metal castings, components, and joints; Solidification, phase evolution and transformation; Lightweight alloy development for automotive and aerospace industries; Phase and structural transformation in metals; Material properties - ferrous and lightweight alloys and metal matrix composites; Ferrous and non-ferrous alloys: casting, heat treatment, and forming technologies; Thermal dynamics, heat transfer in metallurgical engineering.

  • Rudolph Seethaler

    Rudolf Seethaler

    Engineering (Okanagan campus)

    Research/teaching areas

    Mechatronics for automobiles; sensor less control of piezoelectric actuators, machine tool process control; optimisation of carbon nanotube reinforced composite materials

  • Segaric_Cheryl_portrait

    Research/teaching areas

    Maternal-child nursing, gerontology, nursing curriculum development and innovations for teaching and learning.

  • Portrait of Maged Senbel

    Maged Senbel

    Community and Regional Planning

    Research/teaching areas

    Climate change; EDI perspectives and practice; Measurement and visualization in urban design; Public engagement and partnerships;

  • Peyman Servati

    Peyman Servati

    Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Research/teaching areas

    Smart textile and wearable technology, flexible electronics, flexible solar cells and batteries, advanced nanomaterials

  • Mohammad Shahrad

    Mohammad Shahrad

    Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Research/teaching areas

    Cloud computing, serverless computing, resource management, data center efficiency

  • Dana Shahriari

    Dena Shahriari

    Biomedical Engineering

    Research/teaching areas

    Smart biomaterials; neural interfaces; biosensors; tissue regeneration; organ augmentation.

  • Nika Shakiba

    Nika Shakiba

    Biomedical Engineering

    Research/teaching areas

    Cell competition to reverse engineer stem cell systems and synthetic biology to forward engineer stem cell fitness; engineered stem cell therapies using synthetic biology

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