Faculty Directory

  • Ali Bashashati

    Ali Bashashati

    Biomedical Engineering

    Research/teaching areas

    Machine learning, statistical & signal processing algorithms, software infrastructure for combined omics & imaging data sources; cancer treatment stratification

  • John Bass

    John Bass

    Architecture and Landscape Architecture

    Research/teaching areas

    Globalization and contested territory, infrastructure, social equity, visualization and community engagement

  • Jennifer Baumbusch portrait

    Research/teaching areas

    Health care delivery and nursing practice with older adults, long-term residential care, family contributions to care delivery, well-being among individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families, and knowledge translation

  • Sara Beck

    Sara Beck

    Civil Engineering

    Research/teaching areas

    Ultraviolet disinfection mechanisms, applications of UV LEDs (light emitting diodes), water disinfection, water reuse, decentralized systems, appropriate technology, applied environmental microbiology, molecular biology

  • Michael Benoit

    Michael Benoit

    Engineering (Okanagan campus)

    Research/teaching areas

    Materials processing and focuses on additive manufacturing (3D printing) of high strength aluminum (Al) alloys and brazing of Al alloys.

  • Curtis Berlinguette

    Curtis Berlinguette

    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Research/teaching areas

    CO2 conversion and utilization, solar energy conversion, solar fuels, clean hydrogen production, electrolysis

  • Pierre Berube

    Pierre Bérubé

    Civil Engineering

    Research/teaching areas

    Filtration/membrane processes for water/seawater treatment and resource recovery from wastewater; passive technologies for small/remote/decentralized systems; distribution system water quality assessment and modeling.

  • Konstantin Beznosov

    Konstantin Beznosov

    Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Research/teaching areas

    Usable security, design of security mechanisms, distributed systems, security, access control, engineering secure software

  • Vijay Bhargava

    Vijay Bhargava

    Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Research/teaching areas

    Green communications, cognitive and cooperative wireless systems, MIMO-OFDM systems, cross-layer analysis

  • Xiaotao Bi

    Xiaotao (Tony) Bi

    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Research/teaching areas

    Particle technology, fluidization and multiphase reactors, clean and renewable energy, sustainability and systems analyses

  • Lukas Bichler

    Lukas Bichler

    Engineering (Okanagan campus)

    Research/teaching areas

    Advanced characterization of materials, new alloy development, manufacturing processes

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