Reframing Disability: Self-Acceptance, Unlearning, Advocacy, and Inclusion

Alex Irvine
 Fourth-Year BASc Student, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Neurodivergence graphic - multiple people in different colors.

Can you tell us a little about yourself? 

Alex Irvine Headshot

I am an undergraduate student in my fourth year of Chemical and Biological Engineering. When I’m not in school, I have a lot of hobbies. I knit, I bake, and I love musical theatre. I am tenacious, driven, and adaptable, and I care deeply about equity and justice.  

How would you describe your identity as a disabled person? 

I wouldn’t. My disabilities shape how I view and interact the world, but they aren’t how I define myself. I have chronic depression, ADHD, and autism, and I have a memory-based learning disability. I also have a coordination disorder, a connective tissue disorder, and chronic pain. In terms that I find people better understand, I’m a cool robot with rusty joints and bad RAM.  

Alex knitting

How has your disability shaped who you are?  

Being neurospicy means that I see the world through a different lens than most people. I have never intuitively understood what body language means. My mom explicitly taught me that when people say that they are going to lunch they are asking if I want to come. I often end up with my foot in my mouth, or sitting alone by the wayside because I just don’t know how to join in. The flip side is that I see patterns other people miss; I am intuitively good at math; and I have a talent for finding that one piece of paper buried somewhere on the internet. It’s like how computers with different operating systems don’t play well with each other’s software. I’m programmed a little differently, but there are usually work arounds.  

The chronic pain is harder. It’s hard to be in pain all the time. It’s hard to get left behind because you can’t take the stairs and the elevator is slow, and it’s hard to manage the judgment when people assume you’re just being lazy. But my biggest allies know my needs. One friend deliberately hits the button on the elevator for me if she passes it first, and she makes a point of saying “I’ll meet you down there.” That may sound like a small thing, but it makes me feel so accepted.  

What challenges have you encountered around accessibility and disability at UBC? 

I think that UBC focuses on accommodation more than they do accessibility. To get accommodations I have to ask for them, and I have to prove I need them. Both of those thing take time and energy before I can start doing any learning. I have to explain why I need the things I do to every prof and TA. Even if I’m not explicit about my disabilities, they still know that I am different; and I only have access to any of this because I have a formal diagnosis.  Accommodation requires disclosure, time, and documentation, accessibility doesn’t.  

Something that surprises my friends is that my accommodations come with a trade-offs. For example, if I take extra time on tests, I typically have to miss another class. Then I have to struggle through the notes on my own time.  

What do you want people to know about disability that you think they need to hear?  

Every disability is different. Two people who have the same condition may have entirely different presentations and needs. My brother and I are both autistic, but he has more social difficulties than I do whereas I struggle with working memory. That doesn't mean that one of us is working harder or is less disabled.  

Take the time to learn about different types of disabilities. The more you know, the better equipped you will be when someone you know needs an ally.  

What are your dreams for disability representation and inclusion at UBC? 

I want disabilities to be viewed the same way glasses, allergies, and diabetes are. Most people don’t try to treat your diabetes. They recognize that you are the expert, and let you take care of yourself. People don’t judge glasses; they’re just a part of your face. By contrast, if I show up with a cane one day everyone is going to ask about it. If we can view and discuss all disability aids the way we treat glasses the world will be a much more accepting place.  

What would you like to say to other disabled people at UBC? 

Don’t forget that you can be ableist too. It took a long time for me to recognize that I internalized and perpetuated a lot of the negative stereotypes about disabilities. I internalized those stereotypes until I was ashamed of who I am. I have heard so many people say, “I feel like I’m not disabled enough to deserve support”. If you have a disability, you are “disabled enough” to need support.  

I have also been ableist with my peers and coworkers. I’ve assumed someone wasn’t accommodating me because they didn’t want to. In reality, the solution I wanted would have made things inaccessible for them. 

Learn how to talk about your disabilities. Learn what is viable in terms of accommodations. Learn to keep an open mind when it comes to other people’s intentions. At the end of the day, those are the things that will make the world a more inclusive place. In my experience most people want to help, and everyone wastes less time if you are open with your needs. I’m more productive, less disruptive, and I learn better—it’s a win for everyone. 

This profile format was developed by Dr. Jennifer Gagnon, President of the UBC Disability Affinity Group and Lecturer, School of Journalism, Writing, and Media. 

The Disability Affinity Group is an independent volunteer-run group that creates a community of care, support and advocacy for self-identified Disabled faculty, staff, faculty, postdoctoral fellows, students, alumni, past employees, consultants and others with a connection to either UBC campus. You can learn more about their work on the Disability Affinity Group’s website or join  their community of care and mailing list


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