Nearly 10 years after graduating, a group of old friends from UBC Engineering gathered to share some laughs and reminiscence about the good old days at UBC. Although it feels like it was just last year that we were wandering Main Mall and cramming for exams in the depths of Koerner Library basement (no cell service – so distraction free!), we’ve all grown in our professional roles and the friend group has grown by two adorable babies belonging to Sophie and Emmanuel. We enjoyed taking turns playing Lego with their oldest child, Banza, building Lego cars and helicopters. He may just be an engineer in the making, especially if he takes after his parents. Most of us knew each other since first year engineering and are happy to have found the time to get together and catch up over some tasty Italian style pizza from a shop on Commercial Drive. Thanks UBC Alumni!
Submitted by Kelsie Priest, BASc '14