Canadian university rankings: UBC Nursing & SALA in first; UBC Engineering takes second

Under a clear blue sky, the sun sets behind a campus water fountain which the words "The University of British Columbia" float on top of.
Martha Piper Plaza at sunset. Photo: Don Erhardt / UBC Brand & Marketing

Three disciplines and schools in the Faculty of Applied Science took top national honours in recently published university rankings. 

UBC School of Nursing took first place on MacLean’s list of best nursing programs. UBC’s School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (SALA) took first place in Canada according to QS World University Rankings for architecture and built environment. Finally, UBC Engineering ranked second in the country according to Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings

“These top national rankings for Engineering, Nursing and SALA affirm our achievements in all three disciplines,” said Dr. James Olson, Dean, UBC Faculty of Applied Science. “They recognize that our students and faculty members are rising to the twin challenges of climate change and human equity, and are helping to make a healthier and safer world where everyone can thrive.” 

The School of Nursing has had many accomplishments just in these past few months, especially with COVID-19 research. Two initiatives this year include a research project, Short and Long-term impact of COVID-19 on mental health and wellbeing of health workers in Pakistan. This study, co-led by Dr. Saima Hirani, has been awarded funding through a Canadian Institutes of Health Research grant. Also, in an effort to fill the knowledge gap, researchers have launched a COVID-19 vaccine registry for pregnant and lactating individuals

UBC Engineering has also made significant gains this year, with a milestone project in July to provide clean drinking water to Lhoosk’uz Dené, located 200 kilometers west of Quesnel, BC. Engineering also celebrated the opening of the Biorefining Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC), which will bring together researchers and industry partners to create leading-edge technologies, that could significantly reduce our reliance on carbon-intensive fossil fuels.   


This fall, SALA launched its first undergrad program, the Bachelor of Design in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urbanism. The program teaches students to observe the impact of design on society and the environment, as well as how space and form can affect cultural change. A distinctive combination of courses in architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, and entrepreneurship throughout the duration of the program equips students with a unique skill set that is broadly applicable to many future paths. 

In addition to its academic rankings, THE also named UBC to the number five spot globally for sustainable cities and communities. This list measures universities’ research on sustainability, their role as custodians of arts and heritage and their internal approaches to sustainability. 

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