Welcoming Emily Cranston, UBC President's Excellence Chair in Forest Bio-products, to APSC

Emily Cranston has joined UBC's Departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Wood Science as an associate professor. The Canada Research Chair in Bio-based Nanomaterials and the UBC President’s Excellence Chair in Forest Bio-products, she was previously an associate professor of chemical engineering at McMaster University.
Among Professor Cranston's primary research aims is to better understand and develop valuable applications for nanocellulose, a sustainable material derived from wood pulp. Flexible, lightweight and exceptionally strong, it has the potential to improve everything from cars and cosmetics to biomedical devices and food.
We warmly welcome Professor Cranston to the UBC Faculty of Applied Science. For more information, please visit the following webpages from the Office of the Provost & Vice-President Academic:
President's Excellence Chair in Forest Bio-products